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1. How much does it cost to buy a new phone?
2. What is the price of that dress in the window?
3. How much did you spend on your vacation?
4. What is the cost of admission to the museum?
5. How much money do you need to buy a plane ticket to New York?
6. What is the expense of renting a car for a week?
7. How much did you pay for your new laptop?
8. What is the cost of a month's worth of groceries?
9. How much does it cost to get a haircut at that salon?
10. What is the price of a ticket to the amusement park?


Here are some English learning tips in the form of rhyming couplets:
1. Read and listen every day,
Your English skills will start to sway.
2. Practice speaking every chance you get,
Your confidence will grow, I bet.
3. Learn new words and phrases each day,
You'll soon be able to say what you want to say.
4. Watch movies and TV shows with subtitles on,
You'll improve your listening skills before too long.
5. Use flashcards to memorize vocabulary,
You'll impress your friends with your linguistic ability.
6. Don't be afraid to make mistakes,
They're a natural part of the learning process, for goodness sakes!
7. Join a langua ge club or class,
You'll meet new friends and ha ve a blast.
8. Keep a notebook to write down what you learn,
You'll ha ve a record of your progress, which should give you concern.
9. Read books and articles on topics that interest you,
You'll learn new words and phrases, and maybe something new too.
10. Ha ve fun with English, don't treat it like a chore,
You'll enjoy it more if you don't let it become a bore!


1. 了解句子结构:在翻译句子之前,要先了解英语句子的结构,包括主语、谓语、宾语等。
2. 理解句子意思:在翻译句子时,要先理解句子的意思,弄清楚每个单词的含义和词组的用法。
3. 注意词汇搭配:英语中有很多固定的词汇搭配,翻译时要注意这些搭配的用法。
4. 注意时态和语态:英语中的时态和语态与中文有很大区别,翻译时要注意时态和语态的变化。
5. 注意单复数和人称:英语中的单复数和人称与中文也有很大区别,翻译时要注意这些变化。
6. 翻译时不要逐字逐句:英语和中文的表达方式不同,翻译时不要逐字逐句,要根据语境和意思进行翻译。
7. 尽量使用简洁明了的语言:在翻译时,尽量使用简洁明了的语言,避免使用过于复杂的词汇和句子结构。


What are the four expenses in middle school English?


1. cost:表示“花费”或“成本”,常用于描述商品或服(fú)务(wù)的价格。
例句:The cost of the new iPhone is very high.(新款iPhone的价格非常高。)
2. spend:表示“花费时间或金钱”。
例句:I spend a lot of money on clothes.(我在衣服上花了很多钱。)
3. pay:表示“支付”,常用于描述购物或支付账单。
例句:I will pay for the meal.(我会支付这顿饭的费用。)
4. invest:表示“投资”,通常用于描述投入资金或时间以获得更大的回报。
例句:I plan to invest in the stock market.(我计划在股市中投资。)


1. put on (穿上)
2. put off (推迟)
3. put up (搭建)
4. put down (放下)
5. put away (收起)
6. put together (组合)
7. put aside (搁置)
8. put out (熄灭)
9. put in (安装)
10. put forward (提出)

