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为什么雅思听力文化很高口语作文很烂怎么办 可能是因为听力和口语、写作的考察方式不同,需要不同的技巧和训练。建议多参加口语和写作练习班,多阅读相关材料,提高语言水平和应对能力。同时也要注意平时的语言使用和积累,多和外国人交流,增加语言输入






1. 创意工作者:包括艺术家、设计师、编剧等,他们的工作就是创造出新颖、有趣的想法。

2. 旅行者:旅行者通常会接触到不同的文化、风土人情,这些经历可能会激发他们产生有趣的想法。

3. 科学家:科学家常常会思考一些超出常人认知的问题,他们的研究成果也可能会带来有趣的想法。

4. 幽默大师:幽默大师擅长用幽默的方式看待世界,他们的观点可能会颠覆我们的认知,带来有趣的想法。

5. 独立思考者:独立思考者不会受到传统观念的束缚,他们可能会有一些与众不同的想法。






1. 练习口语技巧:了解口语考试的评分标准和技巧,如流利度、发音、语法、词汇和语言表达能力等。可以通过参加口语课程、模拟考试和自我练习来提高口语技巧。

2. 增加词汇量:丰富自己的词汇量,学习常用词汇、短语和句型,以及相关主题的词汇。可以通过阅读英文书籍、报纸、杂志、博客等来提高词汇量。

3. 练习听力:提高听力能力可以帮助理解并回答口语考试中的问题。可以通过听英语广播、音频课程、电视节目、电影等来提高听力。

4. 练习思维能力:口语考试需要快速思考并回答问题,因此需要练习思维能力。可以通过阅读、写作、讨论等来提高思维能力。

5. 练习口语表达:练习口语表达可以帮助更好地表达自己的想法和观点。可以通过跟朋友、老师、语言伙伴练习口语对话,或者录制自己的口语练习来提高口语表达能力。

6. 考试前准备:在考试前准备充分,包括熟悉考试流程、准备答案、练习发音等。同时,要保持放松和自信的心态,不要紧张和焦虑。



题目:Do you agree or disagree with the statement that it is better to have a few close friends than many acquaintances?

In our social lives, we all have different types of relationships with people. Some of them are close friends, while others are mere acquaintances. In my opinion, it is better to have a few close friends than many acquaintances. There are several reasons behind my belief.

Firstly, close friends are the ones who are always there for us during our tough times. They offer us emotional support, and they help us overcome our problems. Acquaintances, on the other hand, are not always reliable. They may be there for us during our happy moments, but they are unlikely to be there when we are in need. Therefore, having a few close friends is more beneficial than having many acquaintances.

Secondly, close friends are the ones with whom we can share our deepest thoughts and feelings. We can confide in them, and we can trust them with our secrets. Acquaintances, however, are not the right people to share our personal lives with. They may not understand us, and they may even judge us. Therefore, it is better to have a few close friends who we can trust and share our lives with.

Lastly, close friends are the ones who know us better than anyone else. They understand our strengths and weaknesses, and they accept us for who we are. Acquaintances, on the other hand, do not know us well enough to understand us. They may have a superficial understanding of us, but they are unlikely to know us deeply. Therefore, having a few close friends who know us well is more valuable than having many acquaintances.

In conclusion, having a few close friends is better than having many acquaintances. Close friends offer us emotional support, they are the ones we can confide in, and they know us better than anyone else. Therefore, we should focus on building strong relationships with a few people rather than having many superficial relationships.

